Volunteer at Habitat
“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting.”
-Millard Fuller, Habitat for Humanity Founder
Our ReStore relies on hardworking, dedicated volunteers to stock shelves, process donations and help customers.
Volunteers of all skill levels are welcome on the build site completing a variety of tasks including framing, painting and caulking.
Habitat Committees
Volunteers help with every aspect of Habitat's mission including family support, faith engagement and fundraising.
The safety of our volunteers is Lawrence Habitat's top priority.
The #1 cause of work site injury are falls!
If you are on a ladder or a foot stool, confirm that it is securely placed on level ground and if needed, utilize a spotter to keep the ladder in place.
Step down carefully.
Be aware of what's on the floor around you. If it's wet outside, floors may be slick.
Know your limits.
Accidents happen when you don't ask for help, are tired, dehydrated or do tasks that are beyond your physical limitations.
Respect the weather.
Hot out? Take frequent water breaks. Cold? Wear layers!
Wear sunscreen.
Use the safety equipment available on site.
Use protective eye wear when cutting lumber.
Use ear plugs -- many contractors can attest to the fact that loud power tools effect your hearing.
Wear a face mask when doing sheet rock work.