What is ReCreate?
ReCreate is an Annual Contest and Auction showcasing innovative projects recreated from something found at the Lawrence Habitat ReStore.
Anyone (all ages) is welcome to participate, as an individual or as a group!
A small registration fee of $25 is required, as the cost of the ReStore piece(s) is waived (must be under $100) for registered participants.
Registration opens January 31, 2025.
Completed projects must be returned to the Lawrence Habitat ReStore no later than Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
Other Details:
Winners will be judged on creativity, showmanship, quality of design, and execution.
General public will be able to vote for their favorite piece!
All projects will be featured in an auction with proceeds benefitting Lawrence Habitat for Humanity.

ReCreate & Celebrate
May 1, 2025
The ReCreate Contest and Auction will be held at Venue 1235! Enjoy an after-hours celebration showcasing the upcycled ReStore items, high-end raffles, hors d'oeuvres, and beverages, all in support of Lawrence Habitat for Humanity's mission of building and repairing affordable housing.

Sign up to be a Monthly Featured ReCreate Artist!
We're expanding our ReStore ReCreate efforts to include monthly featured spotlights!
Participants are encouraged to create an innovative project recreated from something found in the ReStore.
Participants will select a month they would like to feature their project at the Lawrence Habitat ReStore. At the conclusion of their selected spotlight month, the completed project will then be sold at the ReStore.
The cost of the piece(s) used for the ReCreate project will be waived up to $100.
Participants are encouraged to use as many materials from the ReStore as possible. Any additional costs of the completed project are the responsibility of the participant and will not be reimbursed.
A donation acknowledgement letter is available by request.