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2025 DIY Workshop & Open Creative Space Memberships available!
DIY Workshops: project specific and led by a qualified volunteer every other month
April 10: Wooden Spindle Carrots (kid-friendly class)
June (Date TBD): Cabinet Door Mini Table (kid-friendly class)
August (Date TBD): Cabinet Drawer Wall Shelf
October (Date TBD): Painting over ReStore Art
December (Date TBD): Front Door Sign/Box
*A membership is not required to participate. DIY Workshops can be enrolled in individually.
Open Creative Space: a time to utilize our tools and work on personal projects in a community setting. Projects will be provided by the attendee (you) or purchased at the ReStore. Supplies can be brought and shared by attendees (if preferred). A qualified volunteer will be on-site, but will not lead a specific project.
April 5th, 10am - 4pm
July (Date TBD), 10am - 4pm
November (Date TBD), 10am - 4pm
A membership ($250) includes registration to all the DIY Workshops above, access to all three open creative spaces, and 10% off at the Lawrence Habitat ReStore every time you shop!
DIY Workshops
Learn how to transform something used into something new!

Wooden Spindle Carrots DIY Workshop
Thursday, April 10, 2025
Lawrence Habitat ReStore
includes: DIY Project supplies & refreshments

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